The winery is now closed until Friday March 7th.  Order online any time!

*We will not be able to process online orders from Feb. 15 – Feb. 24.  Sorry for the inconvenience.*

Honey Bee Orchard Blossom Walk 2024

Join us Saturday May 18th & Sunday May 19th from 10:30 – 4:00 for our annual Honey Bee Orchard Blossom Walk! Farmer Fred & “Billy Bee” will take you on a guided walk through the orchard in bloom. Find out why it’s so important to have bees and other pollinators during blossom time. Tours are FREE & run on the hour starting at 11 am. Last tour is at 3 pm. We will be joined by beekeepers with their demonstration hive and Cooking it Forward bakery with some delicious honey inspired treats.  MAJS Woodworking will be here on Saturday with his woodworking works of art.  Follow us on Facebook or Instagram for event updates
*Photographers are welcome to join the scheduled tours*