The winery is now closed until Friday March 7th.  Order online any time!

*We will not be able to process online orders from Feb. 15 – Feb. 24.  Sorry for the inconvenience.*

The Winemaker

WinemakerMeet the maker & grower at Archibald Orchards & Estate Winery – Fred Archibald.  It was after 12 years of wine making “for the fun of it”,that Fred’s hobby became an important part of our family business.

Growing up in Niagara’s fruit belt & eating a lot of Ontario fruit certainly influenced his concept of what he thought fruit wine should taste like – “like the fruit it’s made from”.

Fred in the OrchardMaking wine actually started right in the home! Fred’s Dad, the late Dr. John Archibald, was once the Director of the Horticultural Research Station in Vineland where wine making research was an important part of the Horticultural Products Research Laboratory. Before coming to the Station, Fred’s Dad was a Chemist with Brights Wines. This wine connection certainly inspired many “home brews”. Some, his Dad knew about and some, he didn’t!

In June 1997, Fred & Sandy opened the doors to Archibald Orchards & Estate Winery with 8 selections on their wine list. Today, there are 20 selections to choose from ranging from very dry to dessert “ice wine types”.

Fred’s passion for creating new wines continues to be strong.  If you are lucky enough to catch him at the tasting bar you’ll see what we mean!